Technical and Training

A view on Southampton Pilotage: George Livingstone

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I’ve spent the last few mornings looking out over the San Francisco Bay wondering about the far flung, wide spread scope of marine transportation. I remember as a boy my father taking us to the harbour where we would sit and watch the ships come and go for hours on end. I suppose most readers of this magazine have a similar interest in the sea and the great ports of the world.  Read the rest of this entry »

UK Safety of Navigation Report: Graham Langley

I represented the Association by attending the UKSON meeting on the 4 February 2015 at the MCA offices in Southampton. As the name suggests the purpose of the group is to bring together those from different areas of the UK maritime industry. At the meeting were delegates from the MCA, Chamber of Shipping, Trinity House (General Lighthouse Authority), ports bodies and others with a maritime interest. Read the rest of this entry »

Can You Hack An Ecdis? : Yevgen Dyryavyy



Photo: JCB

In an increasingly connected world, cyber security is more important than ever. NCC Group, one of the world’s leading cyber security research companies, regularly investigates the susceptibility of non-traditional systems to attack in order to help raise awareness of the risks to these systems. Read the rest of this entry »

Westlaw UK Pilotage Law: Barrie Youde © 2014 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd


The Pilot is grateful for the kind permission by Sweet and Maxwell to reproduce the Westlaw UK Insight article on Pilotage, written  by Barrie Youde. Barrie is a former Liverpool Pilot and now a solicitor with RA Wilkinson & Co.


Photo: Andy Wallace. Port of London Authority

In strict terms, pilotage and navigation are one and the same thing. Read the rest of this entry »

Large ship Visits

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Last year saw the introduction of more Ultra large container vessels which now regularly call at UK major ports such as Felixstowe, Southampton and London. Read the rest of this entry »

Piloting the UK’s new Aircraft Carrier : Keith McLean

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HMS Queen Elizabeth, the first of UK’s two new aircraft carriers, was named by Her Majesty the Queen at Babcock’s Rosyth dockyard in Scotland on 4 July 2014, and manoeuvred out of the building dock to her fitting out berth on 17 July. She is the largest warship ever to be constructed in the UK. Read the rest of this entry »

Safe tug: From a tug master’s point of view: Bas van Hoorn

This article is reproduced with the kind permission of the publishers of the International Tug & OSV magazine. It was first published in their July/August 2013 edition. The Pilot Magazine would also like to pass on their thanks to Capt. Bas van Hoorn.

Tug Bas

My name is Bas van Hoorn and I am senior captain/instructor on all types of tugboats ranging from conventional single screw, stern drives, Voith Schneiders, tractors and Rotor®tugs. Read the rest of this entry »

A visit to Malta: Ken Kirby

My daughter’s wedding in Malta meant a two-week holiday in the sun, but I didn’t plan to spend it all lying by the pool. Read the rest of this entry »

International Standard for Maritime Pilot Organisations: Paul Schoneveld

Liverpool will be the host city in October 2014 where the participant members of the International User Group of the International Standard for maritime Pilot Organisations will convene for two days. Read the rest of this entry »

Marine Implications of Molecular Hydrodynamics: Peter McArthur

Despite common perceptions,  water is one of the most complex and poorly understood substances we know. Read the rest of this entry »

UK Maritime Pilots' Association
European Maritime Pilots' Association
Internation Pilots' Association SITE SPONSORS
Navicom Dynamics
OMC International