CARGO LINERS By Ambrose Greenway

There have been a number of books published over the years covering shipping and the development of ships over the centuries but the vast majority have either covered general sailing and powered merchant vessel or specific companies or trades. Many of these books have been rich in photos but short on detail.

This book, subtitled “An Illustrated History”, could at first glance be dismissed as just another such book but, in addition to containing a wealth of photographs, this book is a very well researched history of the development of powered general cargo liners and the trades they serviced.

Covering the period from 1850 to the 1970’s when, within a decade, containerisation rendered the traditional cargo ship obsolete, the book’s 178 pages cover the evolution of the cargo ship from the early steamers still fitted with masts and sails through to the sleek and elegant vessels which many of us remember with affectionate nostalgia!

Ambrose (better known to many as Lord) Greenway is a recognised maritime expert and his particular interest in merchant ships is evident in the detailed text descriptions which accompany over 300 excellent quality photographs. Cargo Liners is therefore not only a valuable reference work but also an essential addition to any shipping enthusiast’s bookshelf. JCB

CARGO LINERS:   ISBN 978-1-84832-129-8  

Published by : SEAFORTH PUBLISHING      RRP: £30 (HB) £18.99 (PB)       Tel: 01226 734555

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