Obituary: William Hoplins 1935 – 2014


When 3rd Officer in the Blue Funnel Line, Bill applied for entry to the Helmsmen’s Service on the Manchester Ship Canal and was appointed in October 1957. He was very active in ‘job’ politics when representative on the Helmsmen’s Committee.

He was appointed 2nd class pilot in October 1966 and first class three years later. Always a popular raconteur, he once was stand-in when an entertainer (a comedian) took ill at the annual dinner. Later, as representative on the Pilotage Committee, he was instrumental in the formation of the present Manchester Pilot Service.

During 1978 and 79 he was appropriated to a Greek company carrying caustic soda from Partington outwards. In the years 1983-5 Bill was a pilot at Jeddah, retiring on 31st December 1992.  He died on 13th January 2014, sadly after a long illness.

Harry Hignett (Manchester Retd.)

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