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Pensions News: Autumn 11
There continue to be changes within the trustee board and at the Association’s last AGM earlier this year Andy Jones, Finance Manager at Milford Haven and Linda Henry, Group Personnel Manager at Associated British Ports, were appointed as alternate port trustees.
Richard Williamson, a Boston pilot, also retired as a trustee on 30 September (See facing page). Richard became an alternate trustee in June 1998 and a full trustee in May 2002. In February 2003 Richard took on the role of Deputy Chairman and became the Fund’s Chairman in February 2006. Richard had the unenviable task of taking the P.N.P.F. through one of its most difficult periods leading up to the first court hearing. In February 2009 Richard reverted to the role of Deputy Chairman and continued to contribute a great deal of his time and energy to resolving the issues facing the P.N.P.F. I know his hard work is very much appreciated by myself and the other trustees. At his last trustee meeting the Chairperson of the trustees, Heather McQuire, presented Richard with a painting of the Liverpool pilot boat no.1 (for those of you who do not know Richard was apprenticed in Liverpool). Richard is leaving the U.K. for warmer climes and we all wish him well for the next phase of his life in Italy.
Additional Voluntary Contributions
Those members who continue to contribute to the existing A.V.C. scheme should have received their 2010/11 benefit statements from Loretta, if you have not done so please contact Loretta, in writing, requesting a duplicate.
Summary Funding Statement 2011
The 2011 Summary Funding Statement was sent out to all members on 21 September 2011. It has not changed significantly from the 2010 statement as until the judgement is received from the pending appeal hearing the trustees are unable to finalise the 2007 and 2010 triennial valuations.
Benefit Statements as at 31.12.2011
When you receive your annual benefit statement in 2012 you will see a number of changes in the information it contains. To reflect the changes in the Annual Allowance (see my letter of 9 December 2010 to all active members) the benefit statement will show the amount of annual allowance used and will include any A.V.C.s you may of paid during the Payment Input Period. Going forward the “carried forward” of unused allowance for the previous three tax years will also be included.
Tyne’s Appeal Hearing
We have been advised by Hogan Lovells that Tyne’s appeal is due to be heard week commencing 14 November and should last 3 days. We then have to wait for the judgement to be handed down and given how close Christmas will be then this may not be received until 2012.
Suspended Pensions
This is a plea for information. We have had to suspend three pensions in payment as we are unable to ascertain the whereabouts of a Mr. J. S. Emberton (ex Manchester pilot), Mr. M. J. Parkin (ex Wisbech pilot) and a Mrs. M. Campbell (an Ipswich widow). If anyone can give us any information on our three missing members I would very much appreciate it.
It is less then a year before the biggest pension reforms since the Old Age Act 1908 (another reason for me to retire!) come into force, yet apathetic employers are dragging their feet with only 7% of the larger firms making any plans for auto-enrolment. Only a quarter of employers have budgeted for the cost of auto-enrolment with larger employers expecting between 12-17% of their employees to opt-out. Smaller employers expect the opt-out rate to be higher with between 33-39% opting-out.
Early Access to Pensions
It now appears the government will look again at introducing early access to pensions if large numbers of workers opt-out of auto-enrolment due to be introduced in a phased process in October 2012, especially if lack of access is the main reason for the opt-outs.
This plan was shelved in April following yet another government consultation as it was felt it would add to the complexity already facing providers with the introduction of the auto-enrolment regime.
Working Beyond Age 65
A recent study carried out on 1000 employees over the age of 60 revealed 26% intended to work beyond 65 with a third of these wanting to continue working after age 65 to enhance their retirement savings. The last decade has seen a doubling in the number of people over the age of 60 who are carrying on working and the number is expected to increase as the abolition of the default retirement age of 65 is phased in.
A recent survey shows that pensioners fear that inflation and government tinkering with the pensions system will impact their retirement incomes. To combat inflation respondents to the survey said they would draw on savings, investments and even consider selling their property and downsizing. I have all this to look forward to!
Well this will be my last article for the Pilot Magazine and I will miss this tenuous contact with my members. As it is the last quarter in 2011 I don’t think it is too early to wish you all a very good Christmas and a happy and healthy 2012. To celebrate my retirement Tom and I are sailing off into the sunset and taking a cruise up the west coast of South America and finishing in Florida. At midnight on the 31st of December I will raise my glass to all of you who have been so patient and kind during my time with the P.N.P.F. As we say where I come from : y’all take care. Debbie Marten
May 2011 to July 2011
P. N. Bush Falmouth
R. Casson Lancaster
J. D. Gray Humber
J. S. MacGregor Poole
Pensioners Deceased
May 2011 to July 2011
P. W. Brown London-North
A. F. Esson Aberdeen
J. M Estill PLA
D. R. Godfrey London-South
J. F. Males London–South
J. G. Mitchell Clyde
J. Sanderson PLA
N. Sigley Manchester
O. Walton Harwich